SDG: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

  • Whisp Health

    We remind patients to take their medication and meet doctors appointments in time through an automated phone call with a pre-recorded voice note in suitable language.

  • Happy Cheeks

    Sustainable, eco-friendly diapers made from maize straws and organic cotton, reducing waste and promoting healthy baby care practices in Uganda.

  • Feed Kakuma

    Feed Kakuma mission is to provide affordable and nutritious vegetables like spinach, cowpeas, spider plant to citizens of Kakuma refugee camp through climate smart farming.

  • Caresit family

    we are creating a world where lungs cancer is deafeted by providing to the communiies  a natural beverage juice out of ginger lemon pineapple beet root and giving yoga, self […]

  • Babykit Company Limited

    In Bidi bidi settlement, around 25-30 babies born weekly 13 dies of pneumonia due to advance coldness in babies we offer durable and affordable baby warmers to lactating mothers with […]


    Is a social business that providing natural organic mosquito repellent glycerine oil to prevent mosquito bites among children from one month to five years in Rwamwanja refugee settlement

  • Watoto Are Tomorrow

    We are social enterprise that provide refugee children living in Uganda aged 3 to 18 who don’t access school due to language barrier with a fun, engaging, and innovative basic […]

  • Loketa Agro-farm

    We add value to available agricultural raw materials like gnats, simsim, soya beans, peanuts, which are eco-friendly and abundant in the rural areas through cooking oil processing animal feeds and […]

  • AgroRoom

    In my refugee community there is a huge number of girls who drop out of school because their parents don’t meet their basic needs. These young ladies are exposed and […]


     Protectyl cleans the environment by employing the untapped refugee workforce and marginalized women to collect and transform plastic into cheap light circular plug-in tiles protecting the world’s 1.4 billion people living in […]

  • Msichana

    Community Award

    Msichana Uganda has embarked on an initiative to produce reusable sanitary pads that enable girls and women from low income households to afford to menstruate with dignity. We aspire to reduce […]