Become a Social Entrepreneur
SIA helps young people discover the field of social entrepreneurship and take their first steps towards an impactful career.
Discover Social Entrepreneurship
Come discover the field of social entrepreneurship. Our offerings will give you all the tools you need to learn about the field and start your own social venture.
Apply for Support
Apply to our incubation to kick-start your career with impact. We’ve summarized all the most important information you need to prepare a successful application.
Build your Venture
Kick-start your journey as a social entrepreneur at our incubation. The journey will give you all the resources you need to turn your idea into a successful venture.
Win the Award
Our internationally recognized award will give your venture exposure, partnership opportunities, and pre-seed funding.
Alumni Community
Our alumni community has local and international opportunities to connect with our alumni and get inspired by them.
Why We Exist
Impactful work requires a strong “why”. We integrate this “why” into everything we do.